Rendering multiple scenes

  • Hi, is it possible to have multiple scenes rendered at once?
    i try smth like this:

    var scene1:Scene = new Scene();
    var e1:Entity = new Entity(0, 0, Image.createRect(100, 100, 0xff0000));
    var scene2:Scene = new Scene();
    scene2.bgAlpha = 0;
    var e2:Entity = new Entity(0, 0, Image.createRect(50, 50, 0x00ff00));

    and i can only see scene2, the green square

    i've already asked this question here:
    but probably someone else will see it, if i create a new topic. sorry if it is against the rules

  • ok, if someone's interested, i'll describe what did the trick for me:
    i've pushed the second scene with some delay, like this:

            var scene1:Scene = new Scene();
            var e1:Entity = new Entity(0, 0, Image.createRect(100, 100, 0xff0000));
            new haxe.Timer(1000).run = function(){
                e1.x += 1;
            var scene2:Scene = new Scene();
            scene2.bgAlpha = 0;
            var e2:Entity = new Entity(0, 0, Image.createRect(50, 50, 0x00ff00));
            new haxe.Timer(1000).run = function(){
                e2.y += 1;
            }, 1000);

    it gives the first scene time to update it's add/remove list, which adds entities to the display list.
    not sure if it is the best practice though. added coordinate shift to demonstrate that both scenes are upated correctly afterwards

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